6 Ways to Show Kindness

6 Ways to Show Kindness

How does it feel when someone does something thoughtful for you, completely out of the blue?


Good, right? It makes you feel special that someone took the time and made the effort to show you that they care.

That’s what it comes down to… it takes time and effort to be kind… but it’s worth it.


The amazing thing about being kind is that you make the recipient feel good, and in turn you feel good too. I say it’s a win-win situation.


1. Listen without speaking


Sometimes people just want you to listen to what they are saying without having advice thrown at them. if you are already planning how to respond to what someone is saying while they are speaking, it’s unlikely that you are picking up on how they are really feeling or what they are going through. 


A sympathetic ear or shoulder to cry on may be just what the doctor ordered. There are times the person will figure things out for themselves and letting them talk it through with you may help them to organize their thoughts and feelings.


2. Give undivided attention


With so many things demanding our attention, giving someone your full and undivided attention is something you have to be intentional about. Plan something the other person loves to do and make up your mind to fully commit to it. You could even surprise them and not tell them where you are taking them.


This means switching your phone off or putting it away for the entire duration of the activity. I have some friends that are more on their phones than they are with me, even though I’m sitting right in front of them. if someone has done that to you, you know how it feels. Don’t be that person.


3. Notes of admiration


Even though we probably won’t admit it, we all want to be admired by our family and friends. I don’t think we encourage one another as much as we should. Our confidence and self-worth take some hard knocks along the way, and we all need cheerleaders to lift our spirits and encourage us to keep going.


We may see things in other people that they don’t see in themselves, so write short notes explaining what you admire about another person and hide them in places they can easily be found.


4. Handwritten letters


I can imagine you looking at me and wondering if I’m from the dark ages, but there’s something more personal about a letter written in your own unique handwriting. Just the fact that we are all so used to typing everything out makes a handwritten letter stand out. 


If my handwriting is anything to go by, you may need to do a little practicing before you put pen to paper. I don’t know about yours, but my neatness level seems to deteriorate as time goes by!


5. Edible treats


We all have our favorite treats, whether sweet or savory. For me it’s ice-cream and chocolate, for my husband, it’s gums and chips. Take note of what the other person loves and buy it for them at random. When you make the effort to remember someone’s likes (and dislikes), it trumps just getting them something you would enjoy. If you are skilled in the culinary arts (or brave enough to try), handmade is even better.


This could extend to dropping off a meal for someone going through a hard time or who has just welcomed a baby to their family.


6. Service gifts


You could offer to help someone do something that they either don’t like to do or don’t have time to do. Examples would be to walk their dog, mow their lawn, pick up groceries, etc. it might just give them a moment of rest or the opportunity to do something else they enjoy while you take care of an errand.


There are so many ways to be kind. Just be aware of what’s going on around you and look for opportunities to make someone’s day.


Be kind. Be good. Make a difference.